Become A Sponsor
We are currently looking for additional corporate sponsors for our chapter. Please see our sponsorship levels below. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page and a chapter representative will reach out to you to discuss your interest in supporting ACHE of Iowa.
Gold Level
- Sponsorship level recognition at Chapter educational and networking in-person and virtual events
- Invited guest status for four people at all chapter education and networking events
- Opportunity for a table display at all in-person chapter events
- Signage at registration desk at all in-person Face-to-Face programming
- Sponsorship level recognition on Chapter website including website link and company description
- Sponsorship level recognition on chapter newsletters
- Opportunity to invite all or selected Chapter members to one networking or educational event during the year being sponsored and funded by the sponsor
- Sponsorship level recognition on event communication
- Dedicated e-mail press release to members announcing sponsorship
- Submission of a thought leadership piece to chapter e-newsletter
Silver Level
- Sponsorship level recognition at Chapter educational and networking in-person and virtual events
- Invited guest status for two people at all chapter education and networking events
- Signage at registration desk at all in-person Face-to-Face programming
- Sponsorship level recognition on Chapter website including website link and company description
- Sponsorship level recognition on chapter newsletters
- Opportunity to invite all or selected Chapter members to one networking or educational event during the year being sponsored and funded by the sponsor
- Sponsorship level recognition on event communication
- Dedicated e-mail press release to members announcing sponsorship
Event Sponsor
- Sponsorship level recognition on event communication
- Opportunity for a table display at sponsored event
- Verbal recognition at sponsored event